Acupuncture can successfully treat:
Arthritis/Joint Problems/Musculo-skeletal pain
Back Pain
Digestive issues: IBS, Chrohn’s, etc.
Cancer Treatment Support – i.e. effects of Chemotherapy
- Pregnancy related conditions
- Post-Partum Depression and related issues
- Menopause
Cupping can successfully treat:
Scar Tissue Reduction
Arthritis/Joint Problems/Musculo-skeletal pain
Back Pain
Digestive issues
Cellulitis Reduction
Along with dietary recommendations, herbal medicine can successfully treat:
Digestive issues
Body pains
Body regulatory systems
Tui Na
Internal disorders (esp. gastrointestinal, urinary, and gynecological disorders)
Musculoskeletal problems
Improves circulation
Can be performed fully clothed
Tui Na, which means ‘pushing & grasping’, was created before acupuncture. After the development of Chinese medicine theory for herbal medicine and acupuncture, the system of Chinese massage was further developed. Historically, Chinese massage has been closely linked to the martial arts, as injuries commonly occur in practice and combat. Therefore, an effective and reliable method to treat those injuries was very important in order for soldiers to quickly return to the battlefield. Many famous martial artists were also very well-known Chinese medicine physicians.
Pediatric Tui Na is its own specialty with diagnosis and treatment methods unique to that branch. Tui Na is used to enhance the treatment goal.
Tui Na can range from very vigorous techniques to extremely light, gentle, and subtle, but with lasting effects nonetheless. The intensity is determined by the severity of the illness and the patient’s constitution.
As with most Asian bodywork styles, it is commonly done fully clothed.